Like most people, I've worn many, many hats in life. I've been everything from a UPS truck
driver to an essential oil and wellness coach, published writer/poet, painter, motorcycle tour
guide (yes, professionally), house-flipper, mixed-media artist, wife, sister, aunty, mother,
fur-mom, and even a 30-year Sr. Technical Writer for various tech-giant companies. Whew!
But, one long-denied (and finally realized) passion has been at the periphery of everything
I've done, what I came here for, and who I am. It was there the whole time, whispering to me
quietly for decades, asking me to have faith and walk forward into my God-given abilities.
But, I still spent too many years not answering my deepest calling, the thing that my heart was
asking me to do. I spent my life making other people happy (and rich). That's okay. All that
made it possible to pay the bills. But, I wasn't embracing my nature, my abilities. They scared
me. So, I did other things. Eventually, the pressure became too much. Added to that, the world
got really, really weird three years ago. I had to at least try.
Part of my awakening (if you will) was motivated by an extraordinary reading we had done by Marta Williams.
Marta read our dog, Rillabie, who died unexpectedly in 2009.

That reading filled so many gaps in our understanding of Rillabie and why she chose to exit life in the way she did. Marta was simply amazing. She reached right in and healed some of the grief and confusion by way of her incredible connection with our girl. Marta was unbelievably accurate. So, the seed of animal communication (as a vocation) was planted in my soul way back then. And, I learned how to hone this ability from Marta's incredible classes. I can't sing her praises enough.
I have a deep love for helping animals and nature. From growing up on a small farm in rural Oregon to helping reservation dogs in AZ, and being a fur-mom, animals have always been my heart. Communicating with so many beloved animals always yields such fun, surprising stories. Animals have complex, layered, and deep personalities just like humans. They understand everything going on in the family. They have likes and dislikes and much like our kids, they don't hold back. They speak their minds and feel no shame in telling it like it is. I've learned so much from animals about being present, courageous, and direct. I feel and believe with all of my soul that God sent me in with this ability for a reason. I'm supposed to do good things with it: help earth's critters, help people, and spread love and compassion. I accept this now.
Got dogs, cats, horses, ponies, goats, pigs, birds, turtles, mice, guinea pigs, ducks, geese, lizards, snakes? I'm here and ready to listen.
Book now.